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Claude Debugs for you

Enable LLMs (e.g. Claude) to interactively debug for you via MCP and a VS Code Extension

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🛠️ Development


Claude Debugs For You


Main Purpose: Enable Claude (or any other large language model) to interactively debug your code by integrating it with a Visual Studio Code extension and an MCP (Model Communication Protocol) server.

Key Features:

  • Language-agnostic debugging support, assuming debugger console access and a valid launch.json file in VSCode.
  • Allows the language model to step through code, evaluate expressions, and identify issues.
  • Provides a seamless debugging experience by bridging the language model and the VSCode debugging tools.

Target Audience: Developers who want to leverage the power of large language models, like Claude, to enhance their debugging workflow.

Noteworthy: This project demonstrates the potential of integrating language models with development tools to create a more intelligent and interactive debugging experience. It showcases how these models can be utilized to analyze code, identify problems, and provide valuable insights to developers.