MCP web research server give Claude real-time info from the web
Server that enables Claude to perform real-time web searches and content extraction
Research & Web Integration
A powerful server implementation that enhances Claude's capabilities with:
The server maintains detailed research sessions including search queries, visited pages, extracted content, and timestamps. It's designed to work seamlessly with Claude Desktop for comprehensive web research tasks.
Add this configuration to your Claude Desktop config file:
"mcpServers": {
"webresearch": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "@mzxrai/mcp-webresearch@latest"]
: Performs Google searches with query parametervisit_page
: Extracts webpage content with optional screenshotstake_screenshot
: Captures current page viewpnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm watch # for development
pnpm dev # run in dev mode
Note: This is pre-alpha software - expect potential issues during usage.